Darina- 42
I am disappointed that everyone is against Sarah Palin. I think that it is a good thing that she is running for Vice President and she may even be president! What I don't like is the way people are making fun of her.
As women we need to defend all women who are making history in a big way. I'm not sure who I will vote for at the moment but I'm feeling bad for Sarah. Why can't society accept the fact that women want to be leaders and men cannot just rule us in every way!
I agree with you Darina. Sarah Palin is becoming a huge comedy theme and people are being very rude with their verbal attacks. I am glad that history will be made no matter what the outcome is, I'm glad to be apart of it because I will be voting! Just like everyone else!!!
I'm not going to get into who I am voting for because the point of your e-mail was more of
a support for women in general. Sarah Palin is a woman and out of respect we should be happy that she has made it to this point. Whether she fits the part or not she is where no woman has ever been.
a support for women in general. Sarah Palin is a woman and out of respect we should be happy that she has made it to this point. Whether she fits the part or not she is where no woman has ever been.
There is nothing that will stop this comedy skit because it's life! People are people and they will be who they are. I don't agree that people should vote for Sarah because she is a woman or because they feel sorry for her. People shouldn't just vote for McCain because he is a Veteran or because Obama is African American (Bi-racial). We should be concern with what is important to us and who we feel will truly get the job done!
If you have any women's issues you would like to send us e-mail us at glitterbuzzstyle@yahoo.com.
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