Sally Hansen
Crackle in Snow Blast
This is shade #3 from the collection but I am already rocking the fourth shade.
Check out how the crackle works with a mini tutorial of the Snow Blast.
I enjoy only doing a few nails it’s so much easier because it gives a strong pop and it allows others to notice it more.
The Snow Blast could be stronger if you use a different shade as the base BUT I needed something lighter because of meetings that I attended this week. This crackle was simple and workable for a chic and fresh look. I would recommend getting a fun color like pink, purple or gold it’s summer and those shades are more flirty in my opinion.
This weeks crackle challenge wasn’t so much of a fave with most chica’s they felt the color looked like white out and they enjoyed the other shades that I used so far from the collection.
To me it depends on what you use as a base coat, you can make something special with just the right color scheme, I will try it again with a dark color and see if it has a different effect.
Snow Blast
If you heart the Snow Blast or are curious to try the Crackle for yourself enter this giveaway.
Contest is open to all it ends 6/30 winners posted only on blog 7/1
BONUS POINTS: Retweet on twitter (max 3x daily) = 15 extra entry points.
I'd like to enter into the giveaway, I'm not sure if this is right to comment here, if you could let me know that would be great. (my screenname for youtube and twitter are sjam2012, email is
Another entry for twitter post (sjam2012). Thanks for the giveaway hun, I've really been wanting to try out crackle polish, I've been wanting a white polish lately as well lol, so this would be perfect for me. :)
@Jessica this is correct, good luck!
This is so cute! I love it <3
My twitter is HelenaHeIena
i would love to try the white crackle i only have it in black and im loving that one thank you for this giveaway twitter name destroydj0503 and yt name destroydj0503
not sure about the rules, but ill just be following those first ones to comment :)
youtube: anjelai
twitter: @jelaiii_x
i really want to try crackling polishes, crossing my fingers on this :D
punkme15 at gmail dot com
tweets for today (3 MAX)
punkme15 at gmail dot com
today's 3 tweets
punkme15 at gmail dot com
today's 3 tweets:
punkme15 at gmail dot com
We don't have crackle polishes in Belgium yet :( Pretty lame that the stores haven't picked up that trend
greeneyedbbw25 on yt
wanting to try the white crackle thanks for hosting
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